Posts Tagged ‘funnies’

Funny Golf Sayings

Sunday, October 18th, 2009

golf_gift Mulligan golf excuses are funny golf sayings to use when a golf mulligan is needed.
Every day I am on the golf course, I listen all around me to the varied amount of golf funnies that come out of the mouths of golfers! I am sorry to say that I am not immune–I have a few favorites of my own.
Golfers and golf excuses seem to go together. A golfer’s favorite golf excuse can transform into a great unique gift.
Click on the golf t shirt designs to see them larger. Thanks.

What is your favorite golf mulligan excuse?
I look forward to hearing what it is.

Wishing you a great day on the golf course.
Thinking of selling mulligans for charity at your golf tournament?
Click here for free mulligan golf tickets. Pink_tee
Hope you enjoy them and they give you a chuckle.