Posts Tagged ‘handicap’

How to Break 80 by Putting Better

Sunday, July 10th, 2011

On the average, the typical golfer who consistently breaks 80 will have about 26-32 putts per round. Those putts account for about 35-40 percent of the overall score. So, I constantly wonder why most of us do not spend more time practicing our putting.

If Tiger, Vijay, and other PGA tour players won’t leave the course until they have successfully hit a certain amount of putts from certain distances, then that should be a major clue for the rest of us: Draining more putts equates to draining more shots from your score card!

If you want to ‘Break80’, ‘Break 90’, ‘Break 100’ or just improve your putting and/or lower your handicap, then put into effect these Five Steps to Better Putting:

1. Keep Your Eyes Directly Over the Ball
2. Use an Inside to Square Swing Path
3. Follow Through Long and Low
4. Change Backswing Stroke, Not Tempo
5. Concentrate on Pace and Fluidity

So, click on this title: Five Steps to Better Putting for more in-depth instruction on implementing these putting tips and start shaving those strokes.

These five steps on putting all seem to be common elements that good putters excel at.

One other thing that good putters do is practice—Remember those guys in paragraph 2?

A great place to practice and hone your skills is on your favorite golf course. Then, live on the edge, put your expertise to the test and challenge yourself to a new golf course.

A great place to do that is Kansas City. I’ll let you in on a little secret: It has a large number of superb golf courses and now is the perfect time to take advantage of these Kansas City tee time discounts.

Putting is one place where any level of golfer can practice and improve. So, if you want to drop strokes fast,focus on your putting! You know—like those “PGA’ guys!

Here is wishing you fewer putts, lower scores and fun on the golf course.
Be the best you can,

How to Break 80–What They Are Saying Part 3

Monday, May 7th, 2007

How to Break 80 Review 1: Part 3

Besides the reviews that I mentioned above, which in their own right are testimonials backing How to Break 80, there are twenty-seven individual letters of testament on the sales page Jack Moorehouse has for this golf guide. In these testimonials, people from all handicap ranges attest to the help this program has given them and how pleased they are with the immediate results. People of varied ages and from locations all over the world have included positive feedback for How to Break 80. There are stories covering all facets of the game: lowering scores, improving swings, bettering short shots, developing driving distance, enjoying the game more, increasing swing confidence, enhancing mental preparation, and the all important–impressing their friends. Check out the person from Singapore. This person even admits not being happy when first receiving the material, but according to his story has come full circle in his feelings about How to Break 80 and the effects it has had on his golf game.

Sounds like happy customers!

But…what are they saying about the price?

By far the best money I’ve ever spent on golf one golfer says. Others tote that it is “money well spent”, “a fantastic value”, and “for $37 it was a steal!” You get immediate access to How to Break 80 in ebook form. If you learn better with both reading and listening, then the ebook along with the audio program might be for you at $47. Either choice, they both come with a fist full of bonuses–six to be exact, and a 60 day money-back guarantee.

Like another of the testimonials mentioned “the free items were enough for the cost of the program.”

The consensus is they are getting value for their money.

Now, you have the scoop on ‘what they are saying’ about How to Break 80. It is feasible to conclude that Jack Moorehouse is not alone in thinking his golf instructional guide is a worthwhile investment.

Here’s to a Great day on the golf course! Thanks for taking the time to read this review.

If you want to purchase How to Break 80 now or if you just want to learn more about How to Break 80, click on the picture below or any of the underlined words above.

One of the most fascinating things about golf is how it reflects the cycle of life. No matter what you shoot – the next day you have to go back to the first tee and begin all over again and make yourself into something. ~Peter Jacobsen

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Get your free report:
“How To Drop Seven Shots In Seven Days”

Pictures from the First Lorena Ochoa Invitational Golf Tournament in Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico
are here: Show me the Photos of the Hot Lady Golfers!

How to Break 80 –What Are They Saying Part 2

Sunday, May 6th, 2007

How to Break 80 Review 1: Part 2

If you missed the first part of this review just click on the Category on left side that says How to Break 80 Review 1. Here’s wishing you a Super day!

Hours of searching the web found dozens of credible golf sites recommending How to Break 80. The responses and reviews are positive. They like the realistic approach and going back to the basics of golf. They are enthusiastic about the easy to use drills and strategies to immediately improve your golf skills. They are impressed that How to Break 80 implemented tons of illustrations and pictures. This is great for those of us who are visual learners! Some recommend it as a great gift for yourself and other valued golfing friends. They comment that there is something for everyone, whatever your handicap. They say it is a super book, written in an easy to understand manner.

It looks like these websites are pleased and are standing behind what How to Break 80 has to offer.

But…were there any numbers to back up these reviews?

From my research I only found a handful of reviews giving numerical ratings for How to Break 80. These numbers were based on main features, proven techniques, qualities, and effectiveness. Here are the ratings I found–based out of 10: 9.5, 9.4, 8, 8, and 8. These average out to a high rating of 8.58. Like Abraham Lincoln once said, “You can please some of the people some of the time, but you can’t please all of the people all of the time.”

From these numbers I would say that How to Break 80 has pleased these people.

But…were there any testimonials about the effectiveness of this golf instructional guide?

Check back later for the last part of this first review.

If you want to purchase How to Break 80 now or if you just want to learn more about How to Break 80, click on the picture below or any of the underlined words above.

Thanks and Have a Great Day!